Friday, January 24, 2014

Component Aggregation Studies




physical component exploration
maya model of selected component
testing secondary arrangement- physical

testing secondary arrangements- digital
testing tertiary arrangements- physical
one possible arrangement- digital / playing with color

Maya & Model Component Explorations

I selected a new component to study, which more closely resembles the form of a flower. The geometries of the form, I hoped, would allow for possible connections when aggregating multiple components together.

I then used pepakura to construct physical models of the chosen component. I cut pieces for 4 different scales: Very small, small, medium, and large. For today, I only had time to construct two medium models and one large one. The goal will be to construct the other models of all four scales to test aggregation possibilities.

I then modeled the component in Maya, and began to explore aggregation possibilities. I will continue to work on this for next week, perhaps making more substantial changes to the form of the component to better allow for clean connections.