Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Crystalline Lighting

Lighting Study
Danielle Tellez and Robyn Wolochow

Mass & Void - One Unit Study

Columns and Spikes V3

Mirror one: continue the rhythm of adjacent building's facade 
Mirror two: mirror diagonally to respond to the corner condition
Mirror three: mirror diagonally to open to ground floor to the street and to connect to basement. Basement is potentially connect to the ruins underground.
Mirror four:
Plan extracted: 
In the context: 

Component Structure Studies

Component Structural Studies+ facade study
Tyler Smith

component structure+encrustation facade study
(for 3d print model)

component as double skin facade (elevation)

double skin facade (section)

panel system

plan of component

component detail

possible aggregation

back elevation/

front elevation/

 top view/

two components begin weaving/