Thursday, February 26, 2015


  1. Here is a couple of thoughts regarding your project: The first original model was the most successful one. Elongated vertical units carved out from the larger mass. Go for this bold concept! But: how to solve the vertical circulation in such an apartment?: The solution is a distributed network of circulation instead of a unified distribution core: every apartment has a small elevator instead of on e large elevator in the center of the building to serve the circulation

  2. is a thing: your building is made of
    bricks and stone....yes, you heard me right, bricks and stone. I suggest you use a brick unit that is very slim: about 4cm by 25cm by 15cm. if you work with this small unit you get a really cool smooth surface...on the inside of the apartments you alternate between brick and stone to get a very sophisticated surface. You can even use robots for construction but you have to find alternative stacking methods in contrast to what Gramazio Kohler have done....,M
