Thesis Prep Seminar - Matias del Campo -
University of Michigan - 2015
"Moody Objects" examines aspects of atmosphere, ambience and mood. A set of specific lenses serve as the mechanisms of observation for speculations and obsessions which rely on techniques such as Boolean operations, symmetry and computational crafting.
Hi Diane, the first three bodies in the first row look promising. Thats an interesting technique. I would say thats your starting point for the bodies within bodies composition you have to start this week. Also the middle one in the second row from below (I would call it a rose) looks very interesting, maybe you can combine the techniques.....Best, Matias
Hi Diane, the first three bodies in the first row look promising. Thats an interesting technique. I would say thats your starting point for the bodies within bodies composition you have to start this week. Also the middle one in the second row from below (I would call it a rose) looks very interesting, maybe you can combine the techniques.....Best, Matias